Confession of Fault

It is by both requirement and necessity that confession be made by believers to God and one to another. Confession not only of ones faults, but also of ones faith.

For this reason we are moved by God's spirit to confess our past transgressions here, to be seen by all. We will not take the time to enumerate them individually, as that will do nothing to glorify God.

However, we do make it clear that we have sinned against God and fallen short of his glory on numerous occasions throughout our lives. We have also transgressed against others by way of these sins.

Let this confession serve as notice that we have come to understand ourselves as God sees us, through the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and by this revelation, are also completely aware of God's impending wrath on those who refuse to repent.

This is not intended to imply that we know all there is to know about ourselves, only that we have received enough knowledge to realize we needed to repent.

With this said, we repent and turn from that previous way of life that vaunted itself against the rule of mercy and grace of the Almighty God, and seek to do his will as found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

This confession is subject to amendment as the Holy Spirit makes us more aware of ourselves and our possible remaining sin, yet to be revealed, through our growth in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and obedience to his commands.


May the peace of God be with you today in the name of Jesus Christ.