Confession of Faith

We believe the Holy Bible, made up of 66 chronicles, includes messages and teachings delivered to man by the Holy Spirit of God over thousands of years.

We believe the first volume known as the Old Testament contains the origin of the heavens and the earth, as well as the beginning of man.

We also believe that man was made upright in the image of God and was an eternal being, and was subsequently deceived by the serpent into disobeying a single command of God, which lead to his fall, and as a result, death passing on all who would come afterward.

We believe that a promise of a Savior was given at that time, one that would eventually come and defeat the power of the serpent.

We believe God later revealed the law of God for his people to follow, and that many were unable to overcome their lusts because they lacked faith, and fell because of disobedience to those commands, for a testimony to those of us who would come later.

We believe that a virgin named Mary, who was married to Joseph a man from the lineage of Abraham, became pregnant by way of the Holy Ghost before she had relations with her husband.

We believe her husband was considering a private divorce when the Holy Spirit intervened and an angel appeared and told Joseph this child was from God and would deliver God's people from their sinful ways.

We believe that Jesus Christ was born from that virgin named Mary, and is the only begotten Son of the one true Living God, the creator of everything that has existed, is in existence, and will exist.

We believe that Jesus was, is and will always be the Word of God, and by that faith, God himself brought to life as a man to walk among us and teach us his everlasting ways.

We believe the teachings Jesus Christ gave to his disciples, and through them to us, teach us how to obey God's eternal ways, by first loving God above all things, and secondly loving our neighbor as ourselves.

We believe by following the commands of Christ, the law God had previously given is fulfilled, because sin is eliminated by our righteousness through the knowledge that is in Christ Jesus.

Based on these beliefs it becomes evident that as followers of Jesus Christ we have certain duties to serve another in the fear and love of God. Not as men pleasers but as fellow servants doing the will of God in love toward Him and one another while it is today.

As we increase in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this confession of faith may be amended.


Peace to you from God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.