Mission Statement

The following statement is set forth as a clear declaration of our objectives and our purpose for pursuing them. As we grow in Christ objectives may change, but our purpose we hope will remain steadfast in Christ Jesus, the one who lived and died, and lives again that we may obtain eternal life through him.

From this day forward every decision will be carefully and prayerfully considered, that it be born from the purpose stated herein and not from any other intentions.

It is our prayer that this disclosure of our resolve will in no way preclude our continued growth in understanding God's will for our lives, but rather, be the beginning of maturity, by way of revelation of God, for those of us ascribing to these affirmations.

The Mission

Our mission is to go into the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands Christ teaches us to observe.

Our Purpose as Disciples

The purpose of our mission as disciples is to fulfil the will of God set forth in the teachings of Jesus Christ, through pure love toward one another, by way of obedience to the gospel, by which we have received the following objectives.

  1. Continue to study to show ourselves approved to God as workers that need not be ashamed, correctly discerning and applying God's truth.
  2. Reach as many people as possible, who are not following the gospel, in the hopes that God will grant them repentance, leading them to the knowledge of the truth that is found in Christ Jesus.
  3. Reach out to those who are following the gospel, and endeavor to encourage them in their walk with our Lord Jesus, while continually offering up prayers to God the Father on their behalf, and to help them in any other way that God makes possible to us.
  4. Help the poor and needy with food, clothing and shelter, as God makes provision to do so, while encouraging them through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As God reveals to us his plans, we pray this mission statement may grow in integrity as we grow in integrity, in the name of Jesus. Amen.


May the peace of God rule in your hearts as you seek his will in Christ Jesus.